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      Anayennisi Aromatics - Aromatherapy Essential oils Guide

Lemon Essential Oil


Lemon Essential Oil.

This wonderful poem by Pablo Neruda, the Chilean poet, embodies, introduces and captures the essence of this wonderful citrus fruit.

We open

the halves

of a miracle,

and a clotting of acids


into the starry



original juices,

irreducible, changeless,


so the freshness lives on

in a lemon,

in the sweet-smelling house of the rind,

the proportions, arcane and acerb.

Cutting the lemon

the knife

leaves a little cathedral:

alcoves unguessed by the eye

that open acidulous glass

to the light; topazes

riding the droplets,


aromatic facades.

So, while the hand

holds the cut of the lemon,

half a world

on a trencher,

the gold of the universe


to your touch:

a cup yellow

with miracles,

a breast and a nipple

perfuming the earth;

a flashing made fruitage,

the diminutive fire of a planet.

Pablo Neruda

The Chilean poet.

Lemon Essential Oil,

Lemon facts, Benefits of Lemon, Uses in Aromatherapy.

Anayennisi Aromatics Lemon Facts and the Benefits of lemons.

Descriptions of the plant, its family and source.


Latin name - Cistus limonum

Family - Rutaceae

The Lemon tree originates from South East Asia, now it is grown all over the world, Australia, America,( notably California and Florida,) South Africa, India, China, the Far and Middle East and of course all over the Mediterranean.

This small, thorny evergreen citrus tree grows to about 6 metres.The leaves are serrated and oval. The small ,heavily perfumed and fragrant flowers are white on the inside and pink on the outside, these blossoms flower all year long which means that fruit is produced all year long too, in fact a mature tree can produce up to 1,000 lemons annually.

Principal constituents and method of extraction.

The essential oil is obtained from the outer rind , the outer part of the peel, this is pressed hard to extract the oil in a method called cold expression, up to 3,000 lemons are required to obtain a kilo of essential oil.

The oil when extracted is a pale greeny yellow which smells of lemon, this oil will turn brown with age.

The main constituent is limonene about 70 to 80% and then terpinenes, pinenes, sabinene, myrcene, linalol, citral, geraniol, octanol, nonanol, bergamotene and citronellal.

Anayennisi Aromatics Lemon Facts and the Benefits of lemons.

Lemon Essential Oil - Uses in Aromatherapy.

Lemon is known a a polyvalent, a cure-all, indeed its attributes and therapeutic qualities are widely recognised and acknowledged. In aromatherapy it is used as an anti-anaemic, antimicrobial, antisclerotic, antirheumatic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antitoxic, antispasmodic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, diuretic, depurative, febrifuge, haemostatic,insecticidal, rubefacient, tonic and vermifuge.

Go to Anayennisi Aromatics Home page from Lemon Essential Oil

Go to the Lemon Page - for all the Uses and Benefits of Lemon

Go to the Lemon Facts page - for a little bit of history about this wonderful, citrusy fruit.

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Anayennisi Aromatics- Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide
Anayennisi Aromatics- Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide

Anayennisi Aromatics- Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide